I have an AWS API Gateway REST API with a POST method that calls a lambda function. I want the lambda function to be able to reference some specific information in the request context, specifically Cognito user identity ID, but that information is not being set. I suspect it needs to be explicitly passed through in a template mapping. I'm using the default "method request passthrough" code for that template mapping, but the information I'm looking for is still null. As best I can tell, the mapping is not being run at all.
In the CloudWatch logs, I can see that the data I want is not in the request context available to the lambda function:
requestContext: { resourceId: 'sk1vz6', authorizer: { claims: [Object] }, resourcePath: '/addHorse', httpMethod: 'POST', extendedRequestId: 'RL8J1Fj6CYcEA8A=', requestTime: '07/Jan/2024:20:45:37 +0000', path: '/dev/addHorse', accountId: '224814880454', protocol: 'HTTP/1.1', stage: 'dev', domainPrefix: 'ejxzz5dwwc', requestTimeEpoch: 1704660337899, requestId: 'f5ff1ed8-2d03-4697-9218-f946ce4be7fc', identity: { cognitoIdentityPoolId: null, accountId: null, cognitoIdentityId: null, caller: null, sourceIp: '', principalOrgId: null, accessKey: null, cognitoAuthenticationType: null, cognitoAuthenticationProvider: null, userArn: null, userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', user: null }
I'm specifically trying to get requestContext.identity.cognitoIdentityId populated. I have successfully logged in to Cognito on the client side, and I can see that an authToken is being passed (and I see it in the logs). The mapping template is for content type application/json, and my JSON request is content type application/json:
var requestOptions = { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: authToken }, body: raw, redirect: 'follow' };
I tried changing the mapping Template "cognitoIdentityId" to be "foo," and then deploying and re-running. The logs still show its value as "null," making me suspect the mapping template isn't being run. (I tried a variety of other ways of changing the mapping template's output and none were reflected in the logs.)
- Is there something I'm doing wrong that's preventing the mapping template from running?
- Is this even the right approach to get the cognito information to be passed to the lambda?