apexchart width overflows or doesn't strech

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I'm using apexcharts with vue. I want the sparkline graph to take 100% of the width of it's parent.

So this is what I did:

    style="width: 100%"

I tried also to set the width as a prop of the component but it behaves the same.

Here are my chart options:

chartOptions: {
   chart: {
       type: 'area',
       sparkline: {
           enabled: true
   dataLabels: {
       enabled: false
   stroke: {
       curve: 'straight',
       width: 3,
   xaxis: {
       type: 'datetime',

So nothing special here, it is copied from apex dashboard example, the only thing I've added is trying to set the width 100%.

It overflows it's parent (green) and the parent's container (yellow) as shown here:

enter image description here

But also when I resize the window(without refresh) it doesn't retain its size, it becomes smaller than the parent:
enter image description here

How can I make it fill the width of it's parent (green container) and keep it that way (responsive)?



There are 8 answers


I figured out that the gap after resizing is due to missing data in the series and the fact that I have set a max attribute for the x axis.

So that solved issue #2.

Apparently the charts render before it should, so it doesn't get the right parent's width, a workaround that solved it for me was to not render the chart after the component is mounted.

Mahadi Hasan On

For React

The following code should be given in the component in which the chart has been called.

  useEffect(() => {
    window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'))
VoidOfLimbo On

If your chart is rendering before the parent container because you have a style display:flex on parent container and you want to keep the display type flex then try following:

<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-between">
    <div id="chart"></div>


<script type="text/javascript" defer>

    // Your chart options as you like it // 
    var options = [...];

    function renderchart() {
        var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), options);
        // This will trigger a resize event //
        window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));


// Put this somewhere in the code to call the render method //

This scaling can be visible when the chart loads but if that is not a problem then this should solve the issue of chart not taking full width available in parent container.

Abed abuSalah On

I had the same issue, I just removed display: flex on the container and that resolved the issue :)

Rahul Solanki On

you can do xaxis: { tickPlacement: "between", }, by defalut it is "On",

it just places you data in between so you can see a little space on left & right end of the x axis.

user16957196 On
chart: {
    width: '100%'

this might fix your issue

my issue resolved using this method ref

ivall On

If you're using flex on your container and you can't stop using it try using max-width: 100% !important; in this container - works for me.

Snoke On

I used the following option and it worked:

const chartOptions = {
    chart: {
      events: {
        mounted: (chart) => {