Apache Spark : Spring Transaction Not commiting

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I am using Spark and Spring JDBC Template class for commiting in DB. DB is MS SQL Server. From Apache spark, mapToParition sends data in batches to DB via Springs batchUpdate in a transaction. The transaction gets completed but data doesn't get written to DB.

Does anybody know whats wrong here ?

          .mapToPartition(....) {
             call(..) {
               DefaultTransactionDefinition paramTransactionDefinition = new        

               TransactionStatus status =  
               transactionManager.getTransaction(paramTransactionDefinition );
               ..... code for sql.......
               _jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(finalSql, jdbcArgs);
             } // call ends
          }//mapToPartition ends

Here status.isCompleted() returns true.

This code works perfectly fine if I run in local[*] mode of apache spark, but when I run same code in Apache Spark's clustered/Distributed mode with 3 workers then it doesn't write any data to DB.


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