I want to remove all the hyperlinks of a Word document and keep the text. I have these two methods to read word documents with doc and docx extensions.
private void readDocXExtensionDocument(){
File inputFile = new File(inputFolderDir, "test.docx");
try {
XWPFDocument document = new XWPFDocument(OPCPackage.open(new FileInputStream(inputFile)));
XWPFWordExtractor extractor = new XWPFWordExtractor(document);
String context = extractor.getText();
} catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
private void readDocExtensionDocument(){
File inputFile = new File(inputFolderDir, "test.doc");
POIFSFileSystem fs;
try {
fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(inputFile));
HWPFDocument document = new HWPFDocument(fs);
WordExtractor wordExtractor = new WordExtractor(document);
String[] paragraphs = wordExtractor.getParagraphText();
System.out.println("Word document has " + paragraphs.length + " paragraphs");
for(int i=0; i<paragraphs.length; i++){
paragraphs[i] = paragraphs[i].replaceAll("\\cM?\r?\n", "");
} catch (IOException e) {
Is it possible to remove all the links of a word document with using apache poi library? If it is not, are there any other libraries that can provide this?
My solution, at least for the .docx category, would be to use regular expressions. Check this one out
The only caveat to this approach is that if there is material with these angled brackets that is not a link, that too could be removed. If you have a better idea of what kind of links might appear, you might try a more specific regular expression instead of the one I provided.