Apache POI HMEF - How to get attachment size from MS TNEF message?

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I have a HMEFMessage and iterating all attachments using

for (Attachment tnefAttachment : hmef.getAttachments()) {

Attachment size can be obtained using tnefAttachment.getMAPIAttribute(MAPIProperty.ATTACH_SIZE) . This method returns MAPIAttribute instance and it has only getData(), which returns byte[].

How can I convert byte[] from MAPIAttribute to Long (size)?

According to this - https://poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/hmef/attribute/package-summary.html - there is a MAPIStringAttribute.getAsString(attr), which does not work with ATTACH_SIZE.

EDIT - ATTACH_SIZE is Long according to http://grepcode.com/file/repo1.maven.org/maven2/org.openl.rules/org.openl.lib.poi.dev/ .


There are 1 answers

andy On

MAPIProperty.ATTACH_SIZE only indicates the attribute you are requesting with getMAPIAttribute() so its type does not matter.

I suggest using the size of the content to solve your problem:


will give you the size of the attachment in bytes.

If you want to convert a byte array to long, see this question.