I'm attempting to add a Graph node to a Model (N3 formula)
The output should be roughly like the below:
a <http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/terms#Patch> ;
<http://example.com/#me> ;
<http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/terms#inserts> { http://example.com/#me http://example.com/#property http://example.com/#resource } .
Note that the #inserts
property here is a "GraphNode" or N3 formula, I'm modelling a graph of the triples to write when a Task
is complete
I tried the code below:
Model out = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
out.add(endState, SolidTerms.inserts, out.asRDFNode(NodeFactory.createGraphNode(inserts.getGraph())));
but this throws [org.apache.jena.sparql.ARQInternalErrorException: Unknown node type: {http://example.com/#me @http://example.com/#property http://example.com/#resource}]
I've tried many other ways of putting the Graph
in the model with no success, posting this one because it was my first and I think the most rational. Maybe it's a bug or Jena just doesn't support the GraphNode type in RDFNode
The @
in the output puzzled me a bit, but I checked that it's not included in my property definition, it's maybe added in by the createGraphNode
or the error serialization