Apache Camel Rest - v3.2.0 - Multipart file upload issue

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I am looking forward to achieve the multipart file upload with camel 3.2.0 version and JDK11.

I was able to successfully do the same with the older version of camel 2.x using the below code,

    // further processing...

After upgrading the camel version from 2.x to 3.2.0, we were getting an compile time issue in the above code for ".attachments()". As a result, we replaced the from route by,

SplitAttachmentsExpression split = new SplitAttachmentsExpression();
    // further processing...

However, after this when i debug the code i am getting null attachments. SplitAttachmentsExpression->evaluate()->exchange.getIn(AttachmentMessage.class).hasAttachments() ==> evaluates to false.

Am i missing anything here as part of the upgrade? Has the import file functionality changed with latest version of Camel? A quick help is highly appreciated as this was working earlier and now we are completely blocked!


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