Does anyone know how to test for different types of Collection in a route?
// This processor returns a Collection of 2 Sets
// 1. Set<GoodMessage>
// 2. Set<BadMessage>
.process(new MyGoodBadMessageProcessor())
// Split the result List
// How do you test for a Set<GoodMessage>??
Background: (In case someone can see a better way of doing this) I have a Processor that currently works as follows:
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
Message message = exchange.getIn();
Set<UnknownMessage> unknownMessages = message.getBody(Set.class);
Set<GoodMessage> goodMessages = new HashSet<GoodMessage>();
for(UnknownMessage msg: unknownMessages) {
// Simplified logic here
if (msg.isGood()) {
I'd like to update this as to now include the BadMessage(s) for reporting:
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
Message message = exchange.getIn();
Set<UnknownMessage> unknownMessages = message.getBody(Set.class);
Set<GoodMessage> goodMessages = new HashSet<GoodMessage>();
Set<BadMessage> badMessages = new HashSet<BadMessage>();
List result = new ArrayList();
for(UnknownMessage msg: unknownMessages) {
// Simplified logic here
if (msg.isGood()) {
} else {
The following Predicate would work, although might give incorrect results when the Set is empty :/
This helped: How do I find out what type each object is in a ArrayList<Object>?
UPDATE: After some further reading, a better way to do this is to use a Header/Property to help distinguish the message type.
STEP 1: Update Processor to produce a Map that identifies different message types.
STEP 2: Create a splitter bean that splits this Map and then creates a header using the key of Map from the previous step. (see "splitMessage" here
STEP 3: In the route use these headers to route the messages accordingly