Apache Camel Download attachment with attachment body in the response and fileName in the Content-Disposition header

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I am trying to download a binary file using rest camel-cxfrs. I am getting the attachment response from http call. After getting the response i am trying to set the same in exchange response body with the fileName and content type as response headers.

For binary file I am able to set the content-disposition header and content type as octet-stream but not able to set the body in the response. So, when downloading the file it says file might be damaged.

For txt file i am able to set the headers as well as body, but not for binary files.

Object getWorkOrderWorkLogIDAttachment();

After getting the response from Http


Then in Processor

Response.ResponseBuilder jaxrsResponseBuilder = Response.ok("")
.header("Content-Disposition", contentDisposition)
 Response response = jaxrsResponseBuilder.build();

There are 1 answers

Eric On

This is a late answer, but for posterity:

you haven't posted enough code to be sure, but I see your setting the response body directly with


if you are transferring a binary file and at any point it gets converted to a string, it will be corrupted. the binary file data must either be kept in a stream or stored in a byte[].

When it converts to a string the bytes are converted to characters in the String's char[]. They cannot then be converted back to their original bytes.