In a Spring rest application, every single URL must start with an application id (appId). This appId must be validated in every single rest service. Instead of duplicating code, I tried to create an @Aspect with an @Around advice. This is correctly executed before any rest method.
However, if the application id is unknown, I do not want neither to create a stack trace or neither to return a 200 (response OK). Instead I do want to return a BAD_REQUEST response code.
If I throw an exception in my advice, I get a stack trace and no HTTP response. If I on the other hand return anything else (but do not call the pjp.proceed), I get a return code of 200.
Could anyone please assist me on returning a response code 400 to the requestor?
Below my code so far:
public class RequestMappingInterceptor {
ListOfValuesLookupUtil listOfValuesLookupUtil;
public Object around(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, RequestMapping requestMapping) throws Throwable {
Object[] arguments = pjp.getArgs();
if(arguments.length == 0 || !listOfValuesLookupUtil.isValidApplication(arguments[0].toString())) {
// toto : return bad request here ...
throw new BadRequestException("Application id unknown!");
} else {
return pjp.proceed();
There are multiple ways to handle it.
One way is to use required = true at controller parameter level.
.. @RequestHeader(value = "something", required = true) final String something ..
Reference : @RequestHeader required property behavior for request paramter and value
Additionally, you could you ExceptionControllerAdvice which handles the UnrecognizedPropertyException; Optionally you could create Error object to have better response method.
Or, if you just want to return string
It can be done with help of aspect as well
Here you would require to handle BadRequestExcption either in controller or ExceptionControllerAdvice