Anywhere Sliders With Add Condition Group

41 views Asked by At

My desire is that for each different Category, a different slider will be displayed accordingly, so I tried using the 'Add Condition Group' feature in the Slider Manager (Nop version 4.2). Please see image here: enter image description here

At the CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml, I tried this:

@await Component.InvokeAsync("Widget", new { widgetZone = 
PublicWidgetZones.CategoryDetailBeforeBreadcrumb })

However, nothing happens when I select a category in the menu (Model.CategoryBreadcrumb) that is not present in the Condition Group, the slider still appears as usual.

So, what else do I need to do to make the slider only appear when I select a Category that is present in the Condition Group of the Anywhere Slider?

Thanks a lot.


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