Anylogic do not give the value of a variable

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I am a beginner and I am simulating a single model. However, the functions I defined are not working. enter image description here TimeTask is a function of CurrentTask and the LearningTime is a function of AgentA. CompletionTime = LearningTime(Agent) + TimeTask(CurrentTask). Under some condition, AgentA can get information from AgentB with probability1 or R with 1-probability1. Could you please help me in this matter? I can get the correct output from CurrentTask variable. However, the final value of CompletionTime is zero.

  • I think some of my functions defined based on the variables are not working correctly.
  • I also checked the Java code and understood there is one more {} in the code that I do not know it can affect the results or not.
  • I also think I do not select a correct place for them.

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