AnyEvent file writes plus logrotate lead to unexpected file sizes

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I have a script that writes out to a file on a frequent basis using AnyEvent. I've written the following sample to illustrate the issue I'm facing.


use strict;
use warnings;

use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::Handle;

my $outputFile = 'out_test.log';
open my $out, ">>", $outputFile or die "Can't open output\n";

my $data = "test string"x50000 . "\n";

my $out_ready = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $out_hdl; $out_hdl = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
    fh => $out,
    on_error => sub {
        my ($hdl, $fatal, $msg) = @_;
        AE::log error => $msg;

my $timer = AnyEvent->timer(
    after => 0,
    interval => 5,
    cb => sub {


This works well, but the file size gets to be enormous after a while. We use logrotate for problems like this so I created the following logrotate configuration file.

/path/to/out_test.log {
        size 2M
        rotate 4

This also works well, and any time the above output file exceeds 2M it is rotated to out_test.log.1. However, when out_test.log is written to immediately after rotation, the file size is the same as the rotated log file. This behavior and what I'm experiencing is explained here:

While I understand the issue, I don't know how to fix the problem in the sample Perl code I provided.

I don't have to implement log rotation via logrotate, but it would be preferred. If it's simple to implement in the script I can do that, but it would be nice if I could make the above sample play nice with logrotate. Any help or comments are appreciated. Thanks!


Based on the answers below I was able to get things working with the monkeypatch ikegami provided as well as leveraging native perl I/O as per Marc Lehmann's advice. My example code looks like this and works well. Additionally this removes the requirement for the copytruncate directive in logrotate.


use strict;
use warnings;

use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::Handle;

my $outputFile = 'out_test.log';
open my $out, ">>", $outputFile or die "Can't open output\n";

my $data = "test string"x50000 . "\n";

my $cv = AnyEvent::condvar();
my $timer = AnyEvent->timer(
    after => 0,
    interval => 5,
    cb => sub {
        open my $out, ">>", $outputFile or die "Can't open output\n";
        print $out $data;
        close $out; 


There are 2 answers

ikegami On BEST ANSWER

Normally, writing to a handle opened for append handle first seeks to the end of the file.

If the file was open(2)ed with O_APPEND, the file offset is first set to the end of the file before writing. The adjustment of the file offset and the write operation are performed as an atomic step.

But you're not seeing that with AnyEvent::Handle. The following demonstrates the problem:

$ perl -e'
   use strict;
   use warnings;

   use AE               qw( );
   use AnyEvent::Handle qw( );

   sub wait_for_drain {
      my ($hdl) = @_;
      my $drained = AE::cv();

   my $qfn = "log";

   open(my $fh, ">>", $qfn) or die $!;

   my $hdl = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
      fh => $fh,
      on_error => sub {
         my ($hdl, $fatal, $msg) = @_;
         if ($fatal) { die($msg); } else { warn($msg); }

   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

   truncate($qfn, 0);
   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

While the following illustrates the behaviour you should be seeing:

$ perl -e'
   use strict;
   use warnings;

   my $qfn = "log";

   open(my $fh, ">>", $qfn) or die $!;

   print($fh "abc\n");
   print($fh "def\n");
   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

   truncate($qfn, 0);
   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

   print($fh "ghi\n");
   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

The problem is that AnyEvent::Handle clobbers some of the handle's flag. The AnyEvent code above boils down to the following:

$ perl -e'
   use strict;
   use warnings;

   use Fcntl qw( F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK );

   my $qfn = "log";

   open(my $fh, ">>", $qfn) or die $!;

   fcntl($fh, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);

   print($fh "abc\n");
   print($fh "def\n");
   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

   truncate($qfn, 0);
   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

   print($fh "ghi\n");
   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

The following is what AnyEvent::Handle should be doing instead:

$ perl -e'
   use strict;
   use warnings;

   use Fcntl qw( F_GETFL F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK );

   my $qfn = "log";

   open(my $fh, ">>", $qfn) or die $!;

   my $flags = fcntl($fh, F_GETFL, 0)
      or die($!);

   fcntl($fh, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK)
      or die($!);

   print($fh "abc\n");
   print($fh "def\n");
   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

   truncate($qfn, 0);
   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

   print($fh "ghi\n");
   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

I have submitted a bug report, but the author of the module is unwilling to fix the bug, so I'm forced to recommend the rather awful practice of monkey patching. Add the following to your program:

use AnyEvent       qw( );
use AnyEvent::Util qw( );
use Fcntl          qw( );

   if (!AnyEvent::WIN32) {
      my $fixed_fh_nonblocking = sub($$) {
         my $flags = fcntl($_[0], Fcntl::F_GETFL, 0)
             or return;

         $flags = $_[1]
            ? $flags | AnyEvent::O_NONBLOCK
            : $flags & ~AnyEvent::O_NONBLOCK;

         fcntl($_[0], AnyEvent::F_SETFL, $flags);

      no warnings "redefine";
      *AnyEvent::Util::fh_nonblocking = $fixed_fh_nonblocking;

With this fix, your program will work correctly

$ perl -e'
   use strict;
   use warnings;

   use AE               qw( );
   use AnyEvent         qw( );
   use AnyEvent::Handle qw( );
   use AnyEvent::Util   qw( );
   use Fcntl            qw( );

   BEGIN {
      if (!AnyEvent::WIN32) {
         my $fixed_fh_nonblocking = sub($$) {
            my $flags = fcntl($_[0], Fcntl::F_GETFL, 0)
                or return;

            $flags = $_[1]
               ? $flags | AnyEvent::O_NONBLOCK
               : $flags & ~AnyEvent::O_NONBLOCK;

            fcntl($_[0], AnyEvent::F_SETFL, $flags);

         no warnings "redefine";
         *AnyEvent::Util::fh_nonblocking = $fixed_fh_nonblocking;

   sub wait_for_drain {
      my ($hdl) = @_;
      my $drained = AE::cv();

   my $qfn = "log";

   open(my $fh, ">>", $qfn) or die $!;

   my $hdl = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
      fh => $fh,
      on_error => sub {
         my ($hdl, $fatal, $msg) = @_;
         if ($fatal) { die($msg); } else { warn($msg); }

   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

   truncate($qfn, 0);
   print(-s $qfn, "\n");

   print(-s $qfn, "\n");
Remember Monica On

ikegamis answer is very misleading - your code contains a bug, namely using AnyEvent::Handle for file I/O, which is undocumented and unsupported behaviour. The "bug" that ikegami perceives results from using AnyEvent::Handle on an illegal file handle.

While you can try to rely on undocumented behaviour and monkeypatch things and hope it will magically work, you will likely keep running into problems as long as you use AnyEvent::Handle for non-stream filehandles, so I would sugets fixing the actual bug.

If you want to do event-based file I/O, then you should look into AnyEvent::IO (and install a suitable backend such as IO::AIO). Otherwise, you should use the normal perl I/O functions (built-ins, IO:: classes and so on) to access files.

Update: the deeper reason that AnyEvent::Handle doesn't work on files is that ultimately it makes no sense, because the notion of non-blocking I/O doesn't apply to files in a useful way, so using AnyEvent::Handle only adds overhead.