I am getting the error: no viable alternative at input 'mult'
when I attempt to parse the input: div(mean(mult(field_a, field_b)), sum(field_b))
Here's my grammar:
grammar Analytics;
start: expr | stat;
: UNARY_EXPR '(' (stat | expr | NUMBER ) ')' #unaryExpr
| BINARY_EXPR '(' (stat | expr | constant) ',' (stat | expr | constant) ')' #binaryExpr
| MULTIPLE_EXPR '(' (stat | expr | constant) ',' (stat | expr | constant)+ ')' #multipleExpr
: UNARY_STAT '(' (operation | field) ')' #unaryStat
| BINARY_STAT '(' (operation | field) ',' (operation | field) ')' #binaryStat
: UNARY_OPERATION '(' operation ')' #unaryOperation
| BINARY_OPERATION '(' operation ',' operation ')' #binaryOperation
| MULTIPLE_OPERATION '(' operation ',' operation+ ')' #multipleOperation
| field #fieldOperation
constant: NUMBER;
UNARY_EXPR: 'neg' | 'const_num' | 'rev' | 'miss' | 'const_date' | 'const_str';
BINARY_EXPR: 'div' | 'pow' | 'log';
MULTIPLE_EXPR: 'add' | 'mult' | 'date_math' | 'concat';
UNARY_STAT: 'count' | 'missing' | 'min' | 'max' | 'stddev' | 'sum' | 'sumofsquares' | 'mean' | 'unique' | 'median' |
'const_num' | 'neg' | 'abs';
BINARY_STAT: 'add' | 'mult' | 'div' | 'pow' | 'log';
UNARY_OPERATION: 'neg' | 'rev' | 'const_date' | 'const_str';
BINARY_OPERATION: 'div' | 'pow' | 'log' | 'miss';
MULTIPLE_OPERATION: 'add' | 'mult' | 'date_math' | 'concat';
COMMA: ',';
NUMBER: ('0'..'9')+ ('.' ('0'..'9')+)? ;
IDENTIFIER : [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*;
WS : (' ' | '\t')+ -> skip;
What am I doing wrong here that is causing it to not match the mult
Is there a suggested approach I could use to debug this error?
Also, how could I check which alternatives are matched by each rule?
For example, the toStringTree()
output i get is: (start (expr div ( (stat mean ( mult ( field) , field ) ) , sum ( field ) )))
. How could I tell that the first expr
rule is matched with BINARY_EXPR '(' (stat | expr | constant) ',' (stat | expr | constant) ')'
rather than UNARY_EXPR '(' (stat | expr | NUMBER ) ')'
Whenever one or more characters can be matched by more than 1 lexer rule, the rule defined first will "win".
Since the input
can be matched by these rules:the first rule,
, will always be chosen for the inputmult
.You will have to do something like this instead: