Antd Select Form Item keyboard behavior problem in dynamic nested components

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I have a nested dynamic form.

Currently if I input something in the city field, then tab to the state field and type two letters for a state, then tab to the next field, the state field does not stay populated. I would like it to stay populated with my state. Pretty simple common behavior. Example screenshots:


As soon as I tab to the next field, State returns to blank:


I believe that essentially the way to do this is to use the Select element's onblur option to populate it when the user tabs out. In fact I used to have it working when it was not a nested component here. Unfortunately when I refactored it to make it nested, i broke it. I think my ref broke and I can't figure out how to use forwardref to fix it but i could be way off here. refs kind of make my head spin.

Hoping some kind soul out there will help me understand how to fix it. I'm also now getting a warning that each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop and am unsure why.

Parent Component TenantForm.js

import React from "react";
import moment from "moment";
import { Form, Input, Select } from "antd";
import ArrayOfSubFormComponentsForApplicants from "./ArrayOfSubFormComponentsForApplicants";

const rules = [{ required: true }];

const validateMessages = {
  required: "Required!",
  types: {
    email: "Invalid E-mail!",
    number: "Invalid Number!",
  number: {
    range: "Must be between ${min} and ${max}",

const formItemLayoutWithOutLabel = {
  wrapperCol: {
    xs: { span: 36, offset: 0 },
    sm: { span: 16, offset: 6 },

export default class TenantForm extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      tenant: {
        applicants: [
            firstName: props.tenant ? props.tenant.first : "",
            middleName: props.tenant ? props.tenant.middle : "",
            lastName: props.tenant ? props.tenant.last : "",
            street: props.tenant ? props.tenant.street : "",
            city: props.tenant ? : "",
            state: props.tenant ? props.tenant.state : "",
            zipcode: props.tenant ? props.tenant.zipcode : "",
        error: "",
  handleFieldChange = (field) => (event, value, selectedKey) => {
    // make a copy of the object first to avoid changes by reference
    let data = { };  
    // use here event or value of selectedKey depending on your component's event
    data[field] = value;  
    this.setState({ data });

  render() {
    const onFinish = (values) => {
      console.log("onFinish: ", values);
        applicants: values.applicants,
    return (
        initialValues={{ applicants: [{ firstName: "" }] }}

Child Component ArrayOfSubFormComponentsForApplicants.js

import React from "react";
import SubFormComponentForApplicants from './SubFormComponentForApplicants';

export default class ArrayOfSubFormComponentsForApplicants extends React.Component {
  handleFieldChange = (index) => (event, value, selectedKey) => {
    let data = [...this.props.value];
    data[index] = value;
    this.props.onChange(null, data);

  render() {
    return (
        {, index) =>

export default ArrayOfSubFormComponentsForApplicants

Child Component SubFormComponentForApplicants.js

import React from "react";
import moment from "moment";
import { Form, Input, Col, Row, Select, Button, DatePicker, Switch } from "antd";
import { PlusOutlined, DeleteTwoTone } from "@ant-design/icons";

const InputGroup = Input.Group;
const Option = Select.Option;
const { TextArea } = Input;
const maxApplicants = 4;

const rules = [{ required: true }];

const STATES = [

const validateMessages = {
  required: "Required!",
  types: {
    email: "Invalid E-mail!",
    number: "Invalid Number!",
  number: {
    range: "Must be between ${min} and ${max}",

const formItemLayout = {
  labelCol: {
    xs: { span: 24 },
    sm: { span: 6 },
  wrapperCol: {
    xs: { span: 36 },
    sm: { span: 16 },

const formItemLayoutWithOutLabel = {
  wrapperCol: {
    xs: { span: 36, offset: 0 },
    sm: { span: 16, offset: 6 },

class SubFormComponentForApplicants extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      applicants: [
          firstName: props.tenant ? props.tenant.first : "",
          middleName: props.tenant ? props.tenant.middle : "",
          lastName: props.tenant ? props.tenant.last : "",
          street: props.tenant ? props.tenant.street : "",
          city: props.tenant ? : "",
          state: props.tenant ? props.tenant.state : "",
          zipcode: props.tenant ? props.tenant.zipcode : "",
      error: "",

  render() {
    return (
          <Form.List name="applicants">
            {(fields, { add, remove }) => {
              return (
                  {, index) => (
                    <Form.Item {...formItemLayout} label={`Applicant #${index + 1}`} key={field.key}>
                      <Row key={field.key} gutter={[0, 8]} justify="start">
                          <Row gutter={[4, 4]}>
                            <Col span={7}>
                              <Form.Item name={[, "firstName"]} fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, "firstName"]} rules={rules}>
                                <Input placeholder="First Name" />
                            <Col span={7}>
                              <Form.Item name={[, "middleName"]} fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, "middleName"]} initialValue="">
                                <Input placeholder="Middle Name" />
                            <Col span={9}>
                              <Form.Item name={[, "lastName"]} fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, "lastName"]} rules={rules}>
                                <Input placeholder="Last Name" />
                            <Col flex="none">
                              {index > 0 ? (
                                  onClick={() => {
                              ) : null}
                          <Row gutter={[4, 4]}>
                            <Col span={23}>
                              <Form.Item name={[, "address"]} fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, "address"]} rules={rules}>
                                <Input placeholder="Address" />
                          <Row gutter={[4, 4]}>
                            <Col span={12}>
                              <Form.Item name={[, "city"]} fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, "city"]} rules={rules}>
                                <Input placeholder="City" />
                            <Col span={5}>
                              <Form.Item name={[, "state"]} fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, "state"]} rules={rules}>
                                  { => (
                                    <Option value={state} key={state}>
                            <Col span={6}>
                              <Form.Item name={[, "zipcode"]} fieldKey={[field.fieldKey, "zipcode"]} rules={rules}>
                                <Input placeholder="Zip Code" />
                    {fields.length < maxApplicants ? (
                        onClick={() => {
                        style={{ width: "100%" }}
                        <PlusOutlined /> Add Applicant
                    ) : null}

export default SubFormComponentForApplicants;

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