I want to exclude several files (*_include.as) in my source project, to generate ASDOC :
<target name="build-asdoc" depends="manifest">
<delete dir="${asdoc.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${asdoc.dir}" />
<exec executable="${FLEX_HOME}/bin/asdoc.exe" failonerror="false">
<arg line="-doc-sources '${src.dir}'" />
<arg line="-doc-sources '${lib.dir}'" />
<arg line="-external-library-path '${ivy.cache.dir}/org.puremvc.as3/singlecore/swcs'" />
<arg line="-external-library-path '${ivy.cache.dir}/com.keepcore.calendar/KCCalendar/swcs'" />
<arg line="-external-library-path '${ivy.cache.dir}/org.as3commons/as3commons-lang/swcs'" />
<arg line="-main-title '${asdoc.mainTitle}'" />
<arg line="-window-title '${asdoc.windowTitle}'" />
<arg line="-output '${asdoc.dir}'" />
<arg line="-footer '${asdoc.footer}'" />
<arg line="-exclude-sources ?????" />
Thank you very much,
Use a fileset and a path convert :
Now property
will have your files separated by a space, you can add your own separator etc. according to your program input argument. Then you just pass this with your -exlucde-sources arg to your program and that's it.