ant command needs sudo authority to run on OSX?

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I just installed Apache Ant.

I unzipped file and put in to my ~/ folder.

And I edited my .bash_profile like below (of course, I did source, too)

export AKKA_HOME=/usr/local/share/akka
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/local/share/scala
export MAGICK_HOME=/opt/ImageMagick
export ANT_HOME=/Users/juneyoungoh/apache-ant-1.9.5

# export POSTGRESQL_PATH=/Applications/
# pg_dir=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.4/lib

export POSTGRESQL_PATH=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.4/bin
export PGDATA=/Users/juneyoungoh/Documents/postgreSQL

After this, I type ant -v commend and got an error like...

Error: Could not find or load main class

So I tried sudo ant -v and it works. I do not know why ant command needs sudo authority and how to do it without the authority.

Thanks for answers :D (I want to know reason and solution both! ty)


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