ANSI / Unicode conflict in batch file

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I have some batch files that use a text file for language-independancy. Until yesterday all worked fine ... but then I began translating the standard texts to Dutch and German. Both languages use so called diacritical or accented characters like ä, ë, ö. I think Spanish will give the same problems with ñ. I created the text file with Notepad using standard encoding, which is ANSI. Just typing (DOS: TYPE) the file showed the wrong accented characters: e.g. ë showed as Ù. After I edited the text file and saved with Unicode encoding the DOS TYPE showed exactly what I typed in Notepad. At this point I thought my problem was solved ... but my batch code now shows me no text at all! All text is retrieved from the file by a batch file that looks like this (simplified):

@rem Parms %1 text type number             File %%a program name
@rem       %2 program name (double quoted)      %%b  - - filler (tabs)
@rem       %3 text number                       %%c text number
@rem       %4 replacement value - 1             %%d  - - filler (tabs)
@rem       %5 replacement value - 2             %%e text string
set TempText=
set TempType=
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
@rem Read file until both values are set ...
for /f  "usebackq tokens=1,2,3,4,5 delims=|" %%a in ("%EnvPath%Text.txt") do (
    if /i   %%a==Tools (if /i %%c==%1 (set  TempType=%%e))
    if /i   %%a==%~2   (if /i %%c==%3 (set  TempText=%%e))
    if not  "!TempType!"=="" (if not "!TempText!"=="" (goto :Leave))
endlocal & set TempText=%TempText%&set TempType=%TempType%

When ECHO is ON it shows that no lines are read from the file or the FOR-loop is never executed.

My question is: how can I make the FOR loop to read the Unicode texts?


There are 2 answers

noodlesstillalive On

Your problem is that cmd uses code page 850 (in the US it may be 437), type chcp to see. English Windows uses 1252 elsewhere.

GUI programs

ñ 0xf1

Console programs

ñ 0xa4

If you are on 32 bit use edit.exe (a msdos text editor). Else you can use Word and save as MSDos text.

Stephan On

three years late, but...

you can convert the file to ANSI "on the fly" with the type command:

...  %%a in ('type "%EnvPath%Text.txt"') do (