For testing purposes I want to anonymize our MySql database.
For example we have the next table:
id | first_name | last_name
54782 | John | Holloway
54824 | Glen | Summers
67782 | Jessie | Hunter
We want to achieve next table after anonymization:
id | first_name | last_name
54782 | Glen | Hunter
54824 | Jessie | Holloway
67782 | John | Summers
NOTE: there are gaps in between the id's. These id's should not be changed (but may be applied to another person).
How can I achieve this in a MySql query?
Because this question still has no answer...
Shifting data to other rows will help anonymize a bit but would never be my best bet. Instead I would go with this answer to erase all personal information:
In your case you only would have to write one update statement per table to really anonymize the data and which also executes very fast.