Hope someone can help me. My goal is to animate a function U(x,z,t) and in particular the time evolution of the 3D-function U(x,z). Firstly I wrote some code that discretize the time stepping and saved each "snapshot" in an array U[t] where t is an integer in {0,1,...,Nt} for some Nt number of timesteps. U[0] is the initial function and is given. I want to remark that U[t] (t in {0,1,...,Nt} are all matrices containg numbers and are already suited to be plotted. I now want to animate a plot such that:
- The first image displayed in the window is U[0], i.e. the initial function with an appropriate label.
- The window then refreshes and displays U1 with an appropriate label.
- It then repeats step (2) up to timestep Nt.
My first approach was to use only a "for cycle". Unfortunately, instead of a refreshing image, I created a sequence of different figures. The code is:
for i in range(0,Nt+1):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(gridx, gridz, U[i],cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none')
#gridx,gridz are created via np.meshgrid(...)
ax.set_title("Function U at time-step " + str(i)+ ". Time "+ str(i*dt)+ "." )
Now I tried searching online and found many different examples using matplotlib.animation with FuncAnimation or just Animation. The problem is that I do not understand how to adapt the examples to my cases. Could someone help me in this case?
Update: For the case where the function can also be a variable. I wrote the following code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
def Animate(gridx,gridz,Nt,Name, func,dt):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection= "3d")
def update(frame,fig):
if len(fig.axes[0].collections) != 0:
fig.axes[0].collections = []
surf = fig.axes[0].plot_surface(gridx, gridz, func[frame], cmap= "viridis")
ax.set_title("Function "+ Name + " at time-step " + str(frame)+ ". Time "+ str(frame*dt)+ ".", y = 1 )
surf = fig.axes[0].plot_surface(gridx, gridz, func[frame], cmap= "viridis")
ax.set_title("Function " + Name + " at time-step " + str(frame)+ ". Time "+ str(frame*dt)+ "." )
return surf,
ani =FuncAnimation(fig,update,fargs=[fig],frames = Nt+1, blit = True)
ani.save("Gif for the function " + Name + ".gif")
This code can be called with different functions to ease the treatment in case you need to visualize more functions.
The result is: Example of Gif for a function P
I used following code to do animation by adding random z-direction displacement to surface, hope it can solve your issue. Pls read carefully the animation tutorial, and a 3d line example 3D animation lines. My solution might not be efficeint as I redraw the surface, but it should be easy to understand.