I am using AngularJS google maps to display map with markers.
The scenario is :
Initially Contact Details like Door no, Street, Area etc fields page will be displayed along with a static map. Once an edit button is clicked a pop-up with all the fields and map is displayed.
<div class="row" ng-controller="userProfileController">
<ui-gmap-google-map center="center1" zoom="zoom1" pan="true" events="events">
<ui-gmap-markers models="models1" coords="'self'" options="'options'"></ui-gmap-markers>
$scope.center1 = {
latitude: lat,
longitude: lng
$scope.zoom1 = 8;
$scope.models1 = [{
id: 11445522,
latitude: lat,
longitude: lng,
options: {
title: "Current Location"
Well everything works fine so far.
When edit is clicked i am trying to load another html in the modal that contains fields and a map. This time the map isn't loading. if I press 'F12' then map can be seen.
Code for popup:
<div class="col-sm-12">
<ui-gmap-google-map center="center3" zoom="zoom3" pan="true" events="events3" refresh="true">
<ui-gmap-markers doRebuildAll="true" doCluster="true" models="models3" coords="'self'" options="'options'"></ui-gmap-markers>
$scope.center3 = {latitude: 19.20742852680121,
longitude: 73.553466796875
$scope.zoom3 = 7;
$scope.models3 = [{
id: 5421222,
latitude: 19.20742852680121,
longitude: 73.553466796875,
options: {
title: "User Location"
What might be the issue.? Can someone help me?
It displays like this:
I had a similar problem, but in my case, the user input an address and return the location. I found on the Internet the solution, and with some adjustments, I decided this way...
First, I create myController in app.js
HTML index.html
HTML modal.html
Then, in my modal.js, I created two Directive's
When the user write his address, and hit Enter, the listener on the map, find the address and marker on the map. I did like that because it was the best solution I found for my project.
I hope that helps. PS: Sorry my english :/