I'm using angularJs with ES6. Therefor each view are modules.
Module project :
let projectModule = angular.module('project', [
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlMatcherFactoryProvider) {
.state('project', {
url: '/projects/:origin/:owner/:name',
template: '<project></project>',
data : { pageTitle: 'Project' },
.component('project', projectComponent)
.factory('$projectResource', service);
Module alerts (its state is a child of project state) :
let alertsModule = angular.module('alerts', [
.config(($stateProvider) => {
.state('project.alerts', {
url: '/alerts',
template: '<alerts></alerts>',
data : { pageTitle: 'Alerts' }
.component('alerts', alertsComponent);
All views are managed by the components and displayed from the defined template attribute in its related state.
Components are defined as such :
import template from './alerts.html';
import controller from './alerts.controller';
import './alerts.scss';
let alertsComponent = {
restrict: 'E',
template: template,
controller: controller,
controllerAs: 'vm',
bindings: true
export default alertsComponent;
View is called that way :
<a ui-sref="project.alerts({ origin: project.origin, owner: project.owner.name, name: project.name })">Alerts</a>
Or that way if i'm already in project :
<a ui-sref="project.alerts">Alerts</a>
Both href are correctly displaying :
But i'm seing the the parent view :
While it should be :
What am i doing wrong? The solution until now was to have independent state from each others. But i'm trying to build a breadcrumb module and i'd like to be able to access to parent states. If states are independent from each others, this is not possible.
My main view is app.html :
<!-- Place all UI elements intended to be present across all routes in this file -->
<div class="site-wrapper">
<div class="view" ui-view></div>
You forgot to put a ui-view directive in your "project" component html, so child state have no place to load in.