AngularJS and 508 standards

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I'm creating the analysis for a web application using AngularJS. The application needs to be 508 standards compliant.

I know that certain devices used for accessibility read the HTML directly and using alt and longDescr attributes in elements, they get the content of the website.

The problem I see is that if you see the page source (not the generated source), when using certain functionality in Angular like ng-view and ng-include the content of the templates inserted in the page will not show in the source code, only in the generated source.

My question is, is there a problem in compliance with 508 standards by dynamically inserting templates?

In general, how compliant are AngularJS's features with 508 standards?


There are 1 answers


Angular.js can be used accessibly in practice, although it does take some work.

However, Section 508 in the current form is still referencing WCAG 1.0 with some minor differences.

Neither is very friendly to scripting, the section 508 text for 1194.22 (part i) is:

When pages utilize scripting languages to display content, or to create interface elements, the information provided by the script shall be identified with functional text that can be read by assistive technology.

Not very practical with Angular.

Section 508 will update to use WCAG 2 at some stage (which specifies that JavaScript based interfaces should be accessible), it has been in the works for years, but the "rulemaking" has not completed yet as of Dec 2014.