Angular2 - ngOnChanges value in OnInit - Directives

580 views Asked by At

I have a directive that mask a input field. This directive assign a default value to the input, when I type something, this directive mask the works.

But now I want to use the same component to edit the value, so I pass the value as parameter but this value is being overwrited because of the directive's OnInit method.


ngOnInit(): void {
    //here my parameter value is being overwriten
    //I would like to know if it's possible to check the value of the input (which was passed as parameter) here (same value I have in the method below) so that I'll just execute next line if the value is empty/null
  if(check value of input if its possible)

onInputChange(value) {
      //here I have the value of parameter I'm passing...this is executed before ngOnInit.

my form

            serialNumber: [
                this.serialNumber, Validators.compose(
            calibrationFile: [this.imageName, Validators.required]

this.serialNumber and this.imageName are local variable that I set when I need. I have a workaround - just implement the logic of ngOnit inside onInputChange - but I was wondering if it's possible to achieve such a thing.

Thanks in advance.


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