I need to get value of a certain input in my dynamic form.
I have JSON parameters like this
"etiquette":"Téléphone mobile",
"pattern":"^(?:(?:(?:\\\\+|00)33[ ]?(?:\\\\(0\\\\)[ ]?)?)|0){1}[1-9]{1}([ .-]?)(?:\\\\d{2}\\\\1?){3}\\\\d{2}$",
"texteIndice":"Téléphone mobile"
"etiquette":"Type alerte",
"options": [{
"code" : "SMS",
"valeur" : "Alertes SMS"
"code" : "MAIL",
"valeur" : "Alertes Mail"
"texteIndice":"Type alerte"
I have Interface like below screenshot.
I customised radio component to contain radio input and input for mail and phone. What I need is: get value of input phone/mail and put in in the input related to the radio. Here is my radio component:
import {Component,Inject,Input} from '@angular/core';
import {NgForm, FormGroup} from '@angular/forms';
import {ExtraFormField} from '../model/form';
import {ExtraField} from './extra-field';
import { CatalogueService } from "../../catalogue/catalogue.service";
selector: 'radio-extra-field',
<div class="form-group" >
<label [attr.for]="field.nom">{{field.etiquette}}</label>
<div *ngFor="let option of field.options" >
<input type="radio" name ="{{field.nom}}" value="{{option.code}}" id="{{option.code}}" [(ngModel)]="typeSelectionne">{{option.valeur}}
<input id="{{option.code}}" [attr.title]="field.etiquette" [attr.minlength]="field.longueurMin" [attr.min]="field.min" [attr.max]="field.max"
[attr.maxlength]="field.longueurMax" [attr.value]="field.valeur"
[attr.type]="text" [formControl]="fieldControl" (change)="maj(id.value)"
[attr.id]="option.code" type="text" [attr.disabled]="typeSelectionne != option.code? disabled : null ">
<error-messages [control]="field.nom"></error-messages>
<error-messages [control]="field.nom"></error-messages>
export class RadioExtraField extends ExtraField {
typeSelectionne: string;
@Input() field:ExtraFormField;
@Input() entity:{fields:Object};
@Input() formGroup:FormGroup;
constructor(public catalogueService: CatalogueService, @Inject(NgForm) formDir: NgForm) {
super(null, catalogueService, formDir);
get disabled():string {
if(this.field) {
return 'disabled';
return null;
Is there a way to do this ?
thank you
You can use
what it do is it will call function ,there you can assign value to ngModel of input field.