Angular2 animation not animating

328 views Asked by At

I have the following Component in Angular2.

  selector: 'nav-menu-item',
  styleUrls: ['./menu-item.component.scss'],
  animations: [
    trigger('collapsedState', [
      state('collapsed', style({
        height: 0
      state('expanded', style({
        height: '100%'
      transition('* => expanded',  [style({height: 0}),      animate(600, style({height: '100%'}))]),
      transition('* => collapsed', [style({height: '100%'}), animate(600, style({height: 0}))])
  template: `
    <li *ngIf="!config.children">
      <button (click)="onClick()">
        <i class="fa {{config.iconCls}}"></i> {{config.text | translate}}
    <li *ngIf="config.children" class="submenu">

      <button  (click)="toggleCollapsed()">
        <i class="fa {{config.iconCls}}"></i> {{config.text | translate}}

      <ul [@collapsedState]="collapsed">
        <nav-menu-item *ngFor="let child of config.children" [config]="child"></nav-menu-item>


And I have read the article about Angular2 animations.

There it is mentioned that the is applied after a transition completes (style made persistent).

The is applied before start and is animated to.

For some reason in my Component the state toggles but there is no animation ... only the state.styles are applied after the animation time.


There are 1 answers

Alexander Paul On

You just need to rewrite your transition code with the following:

transition('* => expanded', animate( '600ms linear')),
transition('* => collapsed', animate( '600ms linear')),

and it will work.