Angular V 1.3.15 $resource custom PUT configuration per documentation not working

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this is the $resource configuration.

'use strict';
    .factory('Doc',['$resource',function DocFactory($resource){
        return $resource('/db/doc/:dbName/:docId/:docRev',
                    {'upDate': { method:'PUT' }}

DELETE and GET work fine

the upDate function is called with a submit button

$scope.upDate = function(){
    Doc.upDate({dbName: 'lol-sched-teams',
                docId: $, 
                docRev: $})
             .$promise.then(function (data) {
                 $ = data;

When I debug into angular I find that the '/db/doc/' portion of the url is working fine but the ':docId/:docRev' are not being parsed to build out the entire url.

So at the Express server the request comes in as 'req: PUT /db/doc'


Obviously I am missing SOMETHING!

Any help appreciated

Problem Solved???? Well understood anyway.

This is really not well documented. Happily the angular code is beautifully written and easy to follow.

$resource REALLY WANTS 4 arguments params, data, function success(){}, function error(){}

If you debug into angular you will see this is the case on the parse of the command args So I made the PUT work by re-coding the call to the resource factory to be:

Doc.upDate({dbName: 'lol-sched-teams', 
            docId: $, 
            docRev:    $},
           function success(data){
           function error(err){

Within angular-resource this will now parse as a1=params, a2=data, a3=success, // is A Function a4=error // is A Function

This will be all gibberish unless you use the debugger and look at it running but when you do it will be perfectly obscure


There are 1 answers

Martin Da Rosa On
'use strict';
            function DocFactory($resource){
            /*You must set de params of the resource*/
            return $resource('/db/doc/:dbName/:docId/:docRev',
                            dbName : '@dbName',
                            docId : '@docId',
                            docRev : '@docRev'
                            upDate: { 
                                url : '/db/doc/:dbName/:docId/:docRev' // can change
                                params: {
                                    dbName : '@dbName',
                                    docId : '@docId',
                                    docRev : '@docRev'


/*First you must have a Doc resource*/
$scope.upDate = Doc.get({     // or $scope.upDate = new Doc();
    dbName : 'someDbName',
    docId : 'someDocId',
    docRev : 'someDocRev'
        //$scope.upDate is now a Doc, 

        //Now you can call it here or in other event
            dbName : 'newDbName',
            docId : 'someDocId',
            docRev : 'newDocRev'
