Angular -using jsonPath

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In my app I want to use json path. I found this library, but I cannot get it to work from my app.

Per the documentation I installed the library and put this line in my component:

import {JSONPath} from 'jsonpath-plus';

But I received an error when I tried to do this:

const blob = JSONPath(path, jsonData, null, null);


ERROR in ./node_modules/jsonpath-plus/dist/index-es.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'vm' in 'C:\urm\workspace-\esploro-web\src\main\ngapp\node_modules\jsonpath-plus\dist'

Any idea how to make it work? Another way to use jsonPath using Angular?


There are 2 answers

danda On

Apparently there is an open issue about it, still open..

Exterminator On

According to the documentation

ESM (Modern browsers) You may also use ES6 Module imports (for modern browsers):

<script type="module">
import {JSONPath} from './node_modules/jsonpath-plus/dist/index-es.js';
const result = JSONPath({path: '...', json: ...});

ESM (Bundlers) Or if you are bundling your JavaScript (e.g., with Rollup), just use:

import {JSONPath} from 'jsonpath-plus';
const result = JSONPath({path: '...', json});

Try using first one. I guess that will help.