Angular - unable to read www-authenticate header in catchError

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I'm trying to read the www-authenticate header for a 401 response so that I can trigger token refresh and send the request again to API. However, I don't seem to be able to read the header from the error response. Below is the angular code. Anyone else trying to refresh the access token faced the issue?

const headers = new HttpHeaders({
    'Content-Type':  'application/json',
    Authorization: 'bearer ' + this.accessToken

const httpCall = this.http.get<T>(getUrl, { headers: headers, observe : 'response'});
return httpCall
    map(resp => {
        return resp.body;
    catchError((err: HttpResponse<T>, resp) => {
      return of(null);

Any help would be useful. Thanks.


There are 1 answers

Srikanth Sridharan On

After further searching on the internet came upon this link in Microsoft Website. Apparently while certain headers are passed by default, I have to explicitly enable certain response headers in my API. Enabled the WWW-Authenticate header in my API and was able to read it in the angular code.