I am looking into performance improvements for a large table I am rendering and have come across angular-ui-scroll which I would like to try out.
In my table I am using the key\value accessor on my ng-repeat, e.g:
<tr ng-repeat="(key, value) in vm.stopTimes track by key">
<td class="timetable-detail-stop" layout="row" flex layout-align="start center">
{{ vm.expandedTimetable.stops[key].name }}
<td ng-repeat="departure in value.times track by $index">
Can I use the supported key\value syntax from ng-repeat with ui-scroll? I'm not so sure I can having read through the docs.
Has anyone done this using keyed objects\dictionaries?
If we are talking about table rows virtualizing, then it may look like
Where the
is an object withget
method which returns (viasuccess
callback) an array of items based onindex
params:Here I assume that we can get
key by index... The simplest implementation ofgetStopTimeKeyByIndex
method may be