Angular ui-router - dont reload templates for same view URL

152 views Asked by At

I am using the ui-router to manage a deeply nested routing setup which is composed of multiple frames within a page.

Something like this:

    <div ui-view="foo"></div>
    <div ui-view="bar"></div>
    <div ui-view="baz"></div>

My routing file is something like this:

app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
        .state('alpha', {
            url: '/alpha',
            views: {
                'foo': {templateUrl: '/partials/foo.html'},
                'bar': {templateUrl: '/partials/bar.html'},
                'baz': {templateUrl: '/partials/baz.html'},
        .state('beta', {
            url: '/beta',
            views: {
                'foo': {templateUrl: '/partials/foo.html'},
                'bar': {templateUrl: '/partials/quz.html'},
                'baz': {templateUrl: '/partials/qux.html'},
        .state('gamma', {
            url: '/gamma',
            views: {
                'foo': {templateUrl: '/partials/flarp.html'},
                'bar': {templateUrl: '/partials/corge.html'},
                'baz': {templateUrl: '/partials/qux.html'},

The page is made up of multiple panels and this setup is working fine. However each URL change forces all ui-views elements to reload - even if the URL is the same.

For example moving from /alpha to /beta will reload the <div ui-view="foo"></div> element even though the view URL is the same.

Does anyone have any idea on how I can stop the views reloading if the view URL is the same as previous?


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