Angular ui-router and ocLazyLoad

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I have some angular modules like:

angular.module('app', ['app.core', 'app.views']); // not lazy load

Each module under app.views uses a RouterUtil to register their own route, like:

$stateProvider.state('state name', {/* some configs here */});

This RouterUtil also have a method to access all registered states (used to create a dynamic menu).

And I'm using the ocLazyLoad, just to load an external module. When the page is loading, ocLazyLoad will perform a request to other js with some angular modules, and then add this module to the actual enviroment.

The problem happens when I go to a page of this external module, and try refresh the page:

What is happening:

  • Angular starts and register some $states
  • ocLazyLoad starts a request for the external module
  • ui-routes try parse the actual URL, and realizes that there is no state for this URL and redirect the user to default (otherwise) page
  • ocLazyLoad finishs the request and add all new modules to angular enviroment. At this moment we have a state with the requested URL (same of before refresh)

Can I do ui-router wait for the ocLazyLoad request before check if this a registered URL?


There are 1 answers

Chris T On

you want to use deferIntercept(), in order to delay ui-router from watching the URL.

app.config(function($urlRouterProvider) {

... ocLazyLoad stuff$urlRouter) { 
  ocLazyLoadPromise.then(function() { urlRouter.listen(); }); 