I have the following scenario:
I have 3 components:
- carousel-images.component, that contains carousel images and next, prev buttons to update the "index" and it shares the index by @Output
- carousel-info.component, that contains the text description and share the index by @Output
- carousel-gallery.component, The orchestrator component.
Important update
I've made an app on codesandbox.io with built-in tests showing how the components work so you have a better idea of what my problem is.
Code example: https://codesandbox.io/s/ng-content-testing-use-case-wrzj51
carousel-gallery is the "parent" component which has the following structure in the component that use it.
Both carousel-images and carousel-info should be synced by their current "index", so when you switch on one side it should switch on the other side. Internally, carousel-gallery is the one that orchestrates the shared index between both components in the following way:
export class CarouselGallery implements AfterContentInit {
@ContentChild(CarouselInfoComponent) carouselInfo: CarouselInfoComponent;
@ContentChild(CarouselImagesComponent) carouselImages: CarouselImagesComponent;
ngAfterContentInit(): void {
// receiving the output updating for carouselInfo
this.carouselInfo.selectedItem.subscribe((index: number) => {
// receiving the output updating for carousel
this.carousel.selectedItem.subscribe((index: number) => {
setActiveCarouselImages(index: number) {
this.carouselImages.setItem(index); // internally, carouselImages has a method that update the index for the carousel.
setActiveCarouselInfo(index: number) {
this.carouselInfo.setItem(index); // internally, carouselINfo has a method that update the index for the Info.
The template is similar to this:
<div class="left">
<ng-content select="app-carousel-info"></ng-content>
<div class="right">
<ng-content select="app-carousel-images"></ng-content>
This works fine in a development scenario (in the browser) but not in my unit test, because I don't HAVE the projected components available, how can I simulate the projection of the CarouselInfoComponent and CarouselImagesComponent components).
Could you tell me how I should do my test considering this scenario?