I have an Angular12 application and I get my data from a Firebase Realtime DB using AngularFire. Since I will need my data in different places in my code I want my DAO service to get the firebase Observable list and do I little preprocessing in them (convert string dates to Date objects). If I do this preprocess then I lose the subscription ability and now my app is not getting the benefits of realtime data. So I want to make that preprocess return an Observable list, but I can't figure out how.
My code:
private list = this.db.list<Fantaros>('fantaroi')
constructor(private db: AngularFireDatabase){}
public getIpir() {
return this.list.valueChanges();
ngOnInit(): void {
let fantaroi: Fantaros[] = [];
this.dao.getIpir().subscribe(f => {
fantaroi = f.map(f => {
const soc = f.soc.map(date => new Date(date))
const dishes = f.dishes? f.dishes.map(date => new Date(date)) : []
const off = f.off.map(date => new Date(date))
return new Fantaros(f.name, soc, dishes, off);
// other Component related code.
is the list I want to monitor for changes and then use it to update my view. Is there a way to do this? Or do I have to copy paste the code that parses to Date object every where I use that list?
You should be able to use
and apply the transformations using themap