I get data from backend and I need show it in table. Data have to be grouped by some attributes, here is the code:
getRows(data: MyData[]): Array<Array<MyData>> {
const exceptionsArray: Array<Array<MyData>> = [];
const exceptions = new Map<string, Array<MyData>>();
data.forEach(exc => {
const key = exc.name != null ? exc.name + '_' + exc.id : exc.id;
const exceptionsArray = exceptions.has(key) ? exceptions.get(key) : new Array<MyData>();
exceptions.set(key, exceptionsArray);
exceptions.forEach((value: Array<MyData>) => {
return exceptionsSet;
data is inserted into the table:
<table width="100%">
<ng-container *ngFor="let row of getData(mpnIpn.data)">
<tr *ngFor="let record of row">
<td class="small text-muted noBg"> </td>
<ng-container *ngIf="allowManipulate; else emptyCells">
<td class="noBg">
<a class="pointer text-nowrap" title="New comment"
(click)="newComment(record)">New comment</a>
<span *ngIf="row.length > 1">
/ <a class="pointer text-nowrap" title="Modify records"
(click)="modifyRecords(record)">Modify records</a>
<ng-container #emptyCells>
<td class="noBg"> </td>
When I go first time on page and click on the link, a modal windows is opened (on link is possible click).
But when I go on other page, which contains ng-select and I click in this ng-select and go to back on page with table, on links is not clickable. Mouse is changed but modal windows is not opened. I tried printing to console on clicking, but that's not working either.
When I press F5
(refresh page) everything starts working. I am using Angular 5.
Thank you.
added stackblitz
When I copy this code in angular version 10 all working well