I got an issue retrieving a lot of data from an api on chrome android.
This issue only appear on chrome android and may be other mobile devices.
First i tried to retrieve json in one request but i think that 15000 objects i'm retrieving from the json is far too big for chrome android to handle.
So i tried to slice this request into multiples to retrieve parts of what i need.
Even with this solution chrome android barely retrieve more than 3000 objects and after this every request are in waiting status on the debugger.
Here is the code:
$http.get(MangaEdenApiInfos.baseApiUrl + '/list/0/?p=0').then(function(result) {
var nbMangas = 500;
var nbPages = result.data.total / nbMangas;
var requests = [];
for (var i = 1; i < nbPages; ++i) {
requests.push($http.get(MangaEdenApiInfos.baseApiUrl + '/list/0/?p=' + i + '&l=' + nbMangas));
$q.all(requests).then(function (results) {
}, function (error) {
The code never end neither in success or error promise callback.
Have you any idea of what i'm doing wrong?
Or may be i should load with pagination my data?
Thanks in advance!