Angular module deferred instantiation

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I've angular module defined in a routine after window.onload, I believe the angular looks for the module before window is loaded but I need to ensure all my assets are loaded before I trigger the angular module.

Is there a way, maybe another load event like DOM ready etc. that I can hook my application startup and then angular startup? My angular module is a dependent and getting used by another library.

window.onload = function() {
    angular.module("nav", [])
        .controller("NavController", function() {

<nav class="state_2" ng-app="nav">
        <ul ng-controller="NavController">

There are 2 answers

Pankaj Parkar On

The you want to achieve is just by doing lazy loading app, using angular.bootstrap then you should remove ng-app from html.


<nav class="state_2">
  <ul ng-controller="NavController">


window.onload = function() {
  angular.module("nav", [])
    .controller("NavController", function($scope) {
      $scope.test= '13123'
    angular.bootstrap(document, ['nav']);

Demo Plunkr

yvesmancera On

Putting all your scripts below the DOM and before closing the body tag will ensure the scripts run after the DOM has been loaded.

See this excellent explanation: pure JavaScript equivalent to jQuery's $.ready() how to call a function when the page/dom is ready for it