Angular Material: mat-drawer-container not showing backdrop with multiple mat-drawer

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I'm trying to implement the [hasBackdrop]=true on my mat-drawer-container with multiple mat-drawers. My html structure is something like this:

<mat-drawer-container [hasBackdrop]="true">

  <mat-drawer #drawer mode="over">
    <app-side-nav [drawer]="drawer" [infoDrawer]="infoDrawer" [contactDrawer]="contactDrawer" ></app-side-nav>

  <mat-drawer #infoDrawer mode="over">
    <app-side-info [infoDrawer]="infoDrawer"></app-side-info>

  <mat-drawer #contactDrawer mode="over"opened='true'>
    <app-side-contact [contactDrawer]="contactDrawer"></app-side-contact>

    <app-header [drawer]="drawer"></app-header>




With one single drawer the hasBackdrop works perfectly with the click outside the mat-drawer-container colapsing the drawer. But since i added the other two i no longer have the backdrop available.

In the docs it says

@Input() hasBackdrop: any | Whether the drawer container should have a backdrop while one of the sidenavs is open. If explicitly set to true, the backdrop will be enabled for drawers in the side mode as well.

Anyone had a similar problem? Should i open a new issue?

Thanks in advance.

ps: bad english, sorry


There are 2 answers


you can't have multiple drawers in the same position by default the position is start, you can set another drawer in position="end" and that's it.

in your case, side-nav, side-contact, side-info, should go in the same drawer, and you must implement some logic (or routing) to decide what to show in the drawer

PS: you should consider using sidenav instead of drawer

from the doc :

The sidenav components are designed to add side content to a fullscreen app. The drawer component is designed to add side content to a small section of your app.

Nik On

JiBi is right here, "you can't have multiple drawers in the same position".

the simplest way to have multiple types of content or sections displayed inside a mat-drawer or mat-side-nav is to just wrap the sections in an ng-container and pass the context of the section on click so that its renderable with an *ngIf

something like this

<mat-drawer-container class="container" autosize>

  <mat-drawer #drawer class="sidenav" mode="over">
    <ng-container *ngIf="sideMenuContext === 'section-1'">
      <!-- section 1 here -->
    <ng-container *ngIf="sideMenuContext === 'section-2'">
      <!-- section 2 here -->        

  <div class="sidenav-content">
    <button type="button" mat-button (click)="drawer.toggle(); sideMenuContext = 'section-1'">
      section 1
    <button type="button" mat-button (click)="drawer.toggle(); sideMenuContext = 'section-2'">
      section 2
    <!-- main content here-->
