Angular how to dynamically change page when changed it from the path?

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I have apagination problem in angular. Here is my code in html;

<!-- A div element for pagination part at the bottom of the page -->
<div style="margin-left: 50%; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px">
    <ul class="pagination">
        <li class="page-item"><button class="page-link" (click)="selectedPage('Previous')">Previous</button></li>
        <li class="page-item" *ngFor="let p of page_num">
            <button class="page-link" (click)="selectedPage(p)" routerLink="/games/page/{{p}}">{{p}}</button>
        <li class="page-item"><button class="page-link" (click)="selectedPage('Next')">Next</button></li>

As you can understna what this does is send the clicked page number to my ts file that has apiece of code like this;

/*Created an element called currentPage to get the current page and send it to getGames func (my subscribe func), this element will be dynamically change, but will start from 1*/
  currentPage = 1;
  //Created a page_num cevtor that will be change when page selected
  page_num : number[] = [this.currentPage, this.currentPage+1, this.currentPage+2];

    //Created a func called selectedPage in order to adjust the page numbers and send corretc page num to funcs, all the data I am using is sotred in a vector called gamesVector
      public selectedPage(page) {
        //If clicked option was 'Previous'
        if(page == 'Previous') {
          //If previous of that page is not null
          if(this.gamesVector.previous !== null) {
            this.page_num = [this.currentPage, this.currentPage+1, this.currentPage+2];
            this.router.navigate(['/games/page/' + this.currentPage])
            alert('You are already in the first page')
        //If clicked option was 'Next'
        else if(page == 'Next') {
          //If next of that page is not null
          if( !== null) {
            this.page_num = [this.currentPage, this.currentPage+1, this.currentPage+2];
            this.router.navigate(['/games/page/' + this.currentPage])
            alert('You are already in the last page')
        //If the clicked option was a page number
        else {
          this.currentPage = page;
          this.page_num = [this.currentPage, this.currentPage+1, this.currentPage+2];
        //Then call the games subscribe function with the new page number, so the games can be refreshed
        this.gameAndCatServ.getGames(this.currentPage).subscribe(data => {
          this.gamesVector = data;
        //To scroll all the way up when changing the page
        window.scrollTo(0, 0)

This piece of code works perfectly, but the problem is this, when someone changes the page number from the path, it wont refresh because I guess I didnt do any two way bindings, but I couldnt figure if it was a right solution to do. Also, when I click on page 2 and then click go back button from browser itself, it again wont rfresh.

What should I do in order to refresh the page when pagenumber was changed from the path or someone has clicked go back button from browser itself, too?


There are 1 answers

srp-dev On

Assuming that you have the path URL as something like:

In order to reflect the changes when changing the path, you can use the "queryParameters" from Angular ActivatedRoute. Below is a simple example:

import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

    private readonly route: ActivatedRoute,
  ) {}

ngOnInit(): void {
  this.route.queryParams.subscribe(queryParams => {
    this.currentPage = !!queryParams['page'] ? queryParams['page'] : 1;

Now, you can have a 2-way bindings for the pagination with query parameters