How can I trigger error on filed ? Assume we got form consist of name, email, password. We check email uniqness on server side, and server sends object like { email: ['already taken', 'another error' ] etc. How can i tap into the form and trigger those on fields?
angular-formly triggering remote errors
1.6k views Asked by Elrond At
There are 2 answers

I see - wasn't aware angular-formly..
you can call your validaton service in thre formly asyncValidator and then parse the result and manually set the validation state on the field using scope.fc.$setValidity
. The messages can be registered in the validation
validators: {
asyncMultiValidator: {
expression: function(viewValue, modelValue, scope) {
$http.get('...validation-url...').success(function(result) {
//assuming the service returns a map of validation results as {'validationName': isValid (boolean) }
angular.foreach(result, function(isValid, validationName) {
scope.fc.$setValidity(validationName, isValid);
// this dummy validator is always valid
return true;
message: 'dummy message - not being used'
validation: {
messages: {
required: function(viewValue, modelValue, scope) {
return + ' is required'
remote: function(viewValue, modelValue, scope) {
return 'some remote error';
Sounds to me like you want to do a async validation of an input field. I assume you wanna make something like this.
For the concrete solution see this Blog