Angular formly: is there a way to set default options for all inputs

2.1k views Asked by At

I'm having a formly form with many mat-inputs (yes, I'm using Material) inside. I want each of them have appearance=outline of cause I can put it inside templateOptions of each input. But that's not DRY. Is there a way to set default appearance for each mat-input in my app and do not put it in each input description?

UPD. I'm using formly form component in the following way

<formly-form [form]="form" [fields]="fieldsDescription"></formly-form>

form is generated with cycle (looping over fieldsDescription array) and angular form builder. fieldsDescription is downloaded from backend. Right now I put appearance=outline in each input. So fieldsDescription is an array of objects like the following

    "key": "field_key",
    "type": "input",
    "templateOptions": {
        "label": "A label",
        "appearance": "outline",
        "placeholder": "",
        "required": true

There are 3 answers


why not use as provider MAT_FORM_FIELD_DEFAULT_OPTIONS { appearance: 'outline' }? I imagine you want all yours inputs apparence outline. In your module

  providers: [
    { provide: MAT_FORM_FIELD_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, useValue: { appearance: 'outline' } },
AlleXyS On

why not using inside template <mat-form-field appearance="outline"> ? assuming you use an ngFor there.


  fields: FormlyFieldConfig[] = [
      key: 'Input',
      type: 'input',
      templateOptions: {
        label: 'Input',
        placeholder: 'Placeholder',
        description: 'Description',
        required: true,
        appearance: 'outline',

for Formly, you can use templateOptions to define appearance outline in your form fields configuration. source here

Webia1 On

If you want to change defaultOptions globally at once, you could try:

import { FormlyConfig } from '@ngx-formly/core';

constructor(private formlyConfig: FormlyConfig) {
    templateOptions: {
      appearance: 'outline',