I'm trying to use my data service in a component, but when I click the button it gives error and says data service is undefined.
Here's my component file:
export class ProductsComponent implements OnInit {
dataSource: any;
priority: any[];
e: any;
constructor(public dataService: DataService) {
// data source stuff...
ngOnInit() {
console.log(this.dataService) //successfully shows DataService object
addToCart(e) {
console.log(this.dataService) // undefined?!?
And the HTML Template of Component:
<h2 class="content-block">Products</h2>
<dx-data-grid class="dx-card wide-card" [dataSource]="dataSource" [showBorders]="false" [focusedRowEnabled]="true"
[focusedRowIndex]="0" [columnAutoWidth]="true" [columnHidingEnabled]="true">
<dxo-paging [pageSize]="10"></dxo-paging>
<dxo-pager [showPageSizeSelector]="false" [showInfo]="true"></dxo-pager>
<dxo-filter-row [visible]="true"></dxo-filter-row>
<dxi-column dataField="Task_ID" [width]="90" [hidingPriority]="2">
<dxi-column dataField="Task_Subject" [width]="190" caption="Subject" [hidingPriority]="8">
<dxi-column dataField="Task_Status" caption="Status" [hidingPriority]="6">
<dxi-column dataField="Task_Priority" caption="Priority" [hidingPriority]="5">
<dxo-lookup [dataSource]="priority" valueExpr="value" displayExpr="name">
<dxi-column dataField="ResponsibleEmployee.Employee_Full_Name" caption="Assigned To" [allowSorting]="false"
<dxi-column caption="Actions" type="buttons" [hidingPriority]="0">
<dxi-button icon="plus" [onClick]="addToCart">Action</dxi-button>
When I click the button on 'dxi-button' addToCart() function runs. In ngOnInit function, the data service shows up, but in addToCart function, console logging data service gives me undefined.
What am I doing wrong? I'm using DevExtreme by the way.
Looking at the callback function docs for devextreme components, the binding is done in a very un-angular way.
In angular and for top-level components you can use the
binding. Since nested components use the[]
binding syntax, you need to pass it a function that is bound to the object you wish to be 'this' inside the function. It recommends doing that in your constructor: