Angular cli for existing github project

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I'm new to Angular 2 CLI. As per tutorial, there is command provided called ng create <project_name>. My scenario is creating project in existing directory.

It throws error like below:

Directory 'angular-basic' already exists.


There are 8 answers


Try ng init will create project inside your existing directory then do ng serve.

ng init <project-name> [options]
Creates a new Angular project in the current folder.

 --dry-run only output the files created and operations performed, do
 not actually create the project.

 Alias: 'd'.
 --verbose output more information.

 Alias: 'v'.
 --skip-npm do not run any npm command once the project is created.
 --name The name of the project to create.

For New Angular 2.x Project

ng new foo
cd foo
npm link angular-cli
ng serve


Naresh On

you can use yarn package manager to resolve the dependencies of the existing project. For more information check this answer.

Aniruddha On

Go in the directory in which you want to create Angular Project

Type this command :

ng new yourappname --directory ./

Saiyaff Farouk On

Since the ng init command is removed from the CLI commands what you can do is specify the directory. You might have to do some overwrites and modifications by yourself for some of the existing files.

You can pull it off with

ng new [app_name] --directory=directory_path

Example assume that your terminal is opened in angular-basic directory and you have to add the cli to angular-basic project, ng new angular-basic --directory . would create the workspace in current directory which is angular-basic.


Reason that it has been removed is because of the message of having two ways to create a project and because people were using it to upgrade (poorly) - From cli team @Brocco's tweet.

Deb On

If your directory structure is: grandParent/parent/yourProject, go to the parent folder in CLI. and create the new project by writing: ng new yourProject . It will create the project in the existing directory without creating additional one. (Tried with CLI Version 6.3 and 9.1)

Temo Kiknadze On

try this command:

ng new appName --directory ./
ngarukiyimana sostene On

this actually has worked for me ng new [app_name] --directory . , it creates the angular project with out creating the new folder, but takes the parent directory and that app name comes in package.json which is like this "name": "[app_name]",

pixlboy On

This is easy enough.

Run the following command from the existing directory which will serve as your application root.

$ ng new current-directory --directory=./ --skip-install

This uses three arguments as:

  1. current-directory whatever your project name will be or current location where terminal is open.

  2. --directory=./ this what does the magic, it instructs angular-cli to use existing folder as project root.

  3. --skip-install this one is totally optional, only prevents installation of all npm dependencies upfront.

Just in case you see an error like The Schematic workflow failed. See above., clear the contents of your directory, specially, .gitignore etc. and let angular-cli create them for you.