Angular 4 routerLinkActive not adding class active

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I want to style the css and add class when a link is active using routerLinkActive. I have tried in bootstrap and it works, but then when I got the custom CSS from the front end developer, it won't add the class that states that it is active, even when the route url is match the routeLink.

I am a bit frustated and have no idea what is wrong. I expect it will add class menu-active in the anchor when the route is active.

here's my code:


<li class="menu-parent">
  <a class="menu-item" routerLink="/dashboard" routerLinkActive="menu-active">
    <i class="ti ti-anchor"></i>
    <span class="menu-text">Dashboard</span>

I have tested like the code below, referenced from this question. I expect the i showed because the routerlink is active, but it doesn't, even when I am in the http://localhost:4200/dashboard.

<li class="menu-parent">
  <a class="menu-item" routerLink="/dashboard" routerLinkActive #rla="routerLinkActive">
    <i class="ti ti-anchor" *ngIf="rla.isActive"></i>
    <span class="menu-text">Dashboard</span>

Hope someone could clear my frustration. Thank you.


The class is not even added when I inspect the element. Here's the screenshot of it:


There are 2 answers


I have found the solution. My routerLinkActive broke because I use *ngIf in my component selector. I supposed to make the navbar shown if the user had logged in, and the navbar was also a wrapper for my content. So I used *ngIf to hide the navbar if the user is not logged in. And that was where my problem start. My navbar contains sidebar and topbar, which I have merged to avoid adding *ngIf in the component selector again.


<app-navbar *ngIf="isLoggedIn; else loginpage"></app-navbar>

<ng-template #loginpage>

the isLoggedIn in my code contains Boolean, whether the user has logged in or not.

The solution: every route will load the navbar, but I put the *ngIf="isLoggedIn" within the navbar divs, so if the user is not logged in, it won't show the sidebar and show the content only instead.




<div id="wrapper" [ngClass]="menu" *ngIf="isLoggedIn; else loginpage">
   <div class="side-menu" id="sidebar-wrapper" >
    // the sidebar HTML
   <div class="wrapper-body">
       <div class="top-menu" >
        // the topbar HTML

       <div class="content-wrapper">
          <div class="row main-content">

<ng-template #loginpage>

I never thought that putting *ngIf in the component selector will waste 2-3 days of my app development. I never find in the documentation that structural directives cannot be added in component selector. Any of you find that in the documentation? Thank you for all your help guys!

SplitterAlex On

I think the problem is the Component cannot reference the .menu-active class.

Is the class declared in sidebar.component.css or per inline css in sidebar.component.ts ?