Angular 2 attribute directive - inputs are undefined

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I'm trying to create an attribute directive that will catch click events and report them to our reporting service. I've followed the attribute directives guide and ended up with this:

    selector: '[mtTrack]'
export class MtTrackDirective {

    private _eventData: any;

    constructor(private trackingService: TrackingService) {}

    @Input('mtTrack') eventName: string;

    @Input('mtTrackEvent') set mtTrackEvent(data: any) {
        this._eventData = data;

    @HostListener('click') onClick() {
        this.trackingService.track(this.eventName, this._eventData)

I then try to test it with this test:

describe('MatificTrackDirective', () => {
        selector: 'test-cmp',
        template: `<div [mtTrack]="'fakeEvent'" [mtTrackEvent]="{test: 'fake data'}"></div>`,
        viewProviders: [MatificTrackDirective]
    class TestComponent {}

    let trackingMock;
    let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;
    let debugElement : DebugElement;
    let hostComp;

    beforeEach(() => {
            declarations: [TestComponent, MatificTrackDirective],
            providers: [{provide: TrackingService, useValue: mockClass(TrackingService)}]
        fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);
        hostComp = fixture.componentInstance;
        debugElement = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(MatificTrackDirective));
        trackingMock = debugElement.injector.get(TrackingService)
    describe("HANDLERS", () => {
        describe("onclick", () => {
            When(() => {
                debugElement.triggerEventHandler('click', {});
            Then(() => expect(trackingMock.track).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fakeEvent', {test: 'fake data'}));

But my trackingMock is being called with [undefined, undefined] instead of the values in the template. Any idea what is wrong?

I'm using Angular 2.2.1.


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