I have a component, lets say comx,
angular.component('comx', {
templateUrl: 'someUrl',
bindings: {
model: '=',
onChng: '='
and its html is
<input ng-model="vm.model" ng-change="vm.onChng">
and I'm adding this component in other template like
<comx model="vm.data" on-chng="vm.test(vm.data)">
vm.test = function (val) {
console.log(val); // val is printing infinitly
The above function's console is keep on printing
That happens because two-way
binding uses a watcher to transfer the data from isolate scope to parent scope. That happens on the dirty-checking cycle after the ng-change operation.To provide the isolate scope value immediately, expose it as a local variable:
By exposing the model as a local variable, it is available immediately for the function in the parent scope.
The DEMO on JSFiddle.