Android(XMPP)cant get Presence packets but can get Message packets without using default Roster

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I built an im application and can succesfully chat with an other user.(with Xmpp,Smack). Now I wanted to get presence updates( when a user becomes online or offline (I do not care about the rest)) so I tried to apply the same code I used for messages to presences.(We have custom iqs we do not use the Roster of other classes)

public void listeningForMessages() {
        PacketFilter filter = new AndFilter(new PacketTypeFilter(Message.class));
        PacketCollector collector = mConnection.createPacketCollector(filter);
while (true) {
        Packet packet = collector.nextResult();

        if (packet instanceof Presence) {
            Presence newPresence = (Presence) packet;
            String fromPresence = newPresence.getFrom();
            String contactJidPresence = "";
            if (fromPresence.contains("/")) {
                contactJidPresence = fromPresence.split("/")[0];
                Log.d(TAG, "The real jid is :" + contactJidPresence);
            } else {
                contactJidPresence = fromPresence;
            if (newPresence != null) {
                System.out.println("Received availability update from "
                        + contactJidPresence + " : "
                        + (newPresence != null ? (packet) : "NULL"));
                Handler handler1 = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
                toastThis = contactJidPresence;
       Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        //Your UI code here
                        if (! {
                            Toast.makeText(mApplicationContext, " You received a  presence from " + toastThis, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//Rest of the logic

I get the messages with the same way in the same while(true) statement and I can get them.But I do not get any presence updates(they are added to my "customroster" in server-side). For your conveinence I ll also copy how I get the messages but they are same.

if (packet instanceof Message) {
                Message message = (Message) packet;
                String from = message.getFrom();
                String contactJid = "";
                if (from.contains("/")) {
                    contactJid = from.split("/")[0];
                    Log.d(TAG, "The real jid is :" + contactJid);
                } else {
                    contactJid = from;
                if (message != null && message.getBody() != null) {
                    System.out.println("Received message from "
                            + contactJid + " : "
                            + (message != null ? message.getBody() : "NULL"));

Now after that I also send an intent with this but it doesnt matter in my question(I think because I dont even get a Presence packet so it never goes inside if statement)

  Intent intent = new Intent(ConnectionService.NEW_MESSAGE);
                intent.putExtra(ConnectionService.BUNDLE_FROM_JID, contactJid);
                intent.putExtra(ConnectionService.BUNDLE_MESSAGE_BODY, message.getBody());

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