I am trying to set background for button (a homeScreen Widget) through a configuration activity. background color is accepted from user (from a JSON) using that color, 2 GradientDrawables are prepared and added in StateListDrawable. I want to set this as background for button. but for RemoteViews there is no method that supports Drawable class and if i convert drawable to BitMap there is no method in Button that accepts BitMap for background.
fun configueWidget(){
val gd = GradientDrawable()
val gdPressed = GradientDrawable()
val stateDrawable = StateListDrawable()
RemoteViews(context.packageName, R.layout.widget_layout).also { views->
//i want to set button background here
val intent = Intent(context,ButtonWidgetProvider::class.java)
intent.action = ButtonWidgetProvider.BUTTON_CLICK
val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, widgetId, intent, 0)
AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context).updateAppWidget(widgetId, views)
fun setButtonDrawableColor(drawableNormal:GradientDrawable, drawablePressed:GradientDrawable, colorInt:Int){
val red = Color.red(colorInt)
val green = Color.green(colorInt)
val blue = Color.blue(colorInt)
val newColorInt = Color.argb(0xFF,
when{red>0x80->red-0x30;else -> red+0x30},
when{green>0x80->green-0x30;else -> green+0x30},
when{blue>0x80->blue-0x30;else -> blue+0x30})
drawableNormal.colors = intArrayOf(colorInt,newColorInt)
val pressedColorInt = Color.argb(0xFF,
when{red>0x80->red-0x20;else -> red+0x20},
when{green>0x80->green-0x20;else -> green+0x20},
when{blue>0x80->blue-0x20;else -> blue+0x20})
val pressedColorGradientInt = Color.argb(0xFF,
when{red>0x80->red-0x50;else -> red+0x50},
when{green>0x80->green-0x50;else -> green+0x50},
when{blue>0x80->blue-0x50;else -> blue+0x50})
drawablePressed.colors = intArrayOf(pressedColorInt,pressedColorGradientInt)
Is there a way to solve this? (I don't want to set background from resource because I won't be able to change colors)
If you want a bitmap as background you should use ImageButton instead. Also you dont have to use a button at all. You could use a TextView or whatever you need to display your content and gradient and then add a listener to it.