The latest Android Wear update comes with support for ChannelApi that can be used for sending files to/from wearable or handheld. The problem is I cannot find a single sample of how to use this functionality. The Android samples doesn't include this feature. So if anyone knows how to use the sendFile/receiveFile and can give a quick example here it would be appreciated.
Android Wear ChannelApi examples?
3.7k views Asked by exkoria At
There are 3 answers

I have used some code like this with success. Transfers can be fairly slow.
Both the handheld and wearable applications MUST HAVE the same applicationId in their gradle files. The wearable needs a manifest entry something like this
<!-- listeners receive events that match the action and data filters -->
<action android:name=""/>
<data android:scheme="wear" android:host="*" android:pathPrefix="/MyAppPath" />
to launch its WearableListenerService when the Handheld sends a file.
private static final String WEARABLE_FILE_COPY = "MyAppPath/FileCopy";
private void copyFileToWearable (final File file, final String nodeId, Context ctx) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final ChannelClient cc = Wearable.getChannelClient(ctx);
ChannelClient.ChannelCallback ccb = new ChannelClient.ChannelCallback() {
public void onChannelClosed(@NonNull ChannelClient.Channel channel, int i, int i1) {
super.onChannelClosed(channel, i, i1);
Log.d(TAG, "copyFileToWearable " + channel.getNodeId() + " onChannelClosed ");
public void onOutputClosed(@NonNull ChannelClient.Channel channel, int i, int i1) {
super.onOutputClosed(channel, i, i1);
Log.d(TAG, "copyFileToWearable " + channel.getNodeId() + " onOutputClosed ");
// this is transfer success callback ...
ChannelClient.Channel c;
Log.d(TAG, "copyFileToWearable transfer file " + file.getName() +
" size:" + file.length()/1000000 + "Mb");
try {
// send the filename to the wearable with the channel open
c = Tasks.await(cc.openChannel(nodeId, WEARABLE_FILE_COPY + "/" + file.getName()));
Log.d(TAG, "copyFileToWearable channel opened to " + nodeId);
Log.d(TAG, "copyFileToWearable register callback");
Tasks.await(cc.registerChannelCallback(c, ccb));
Log.d(TAG, "copyFileToWearable sending file " + file.getName());
Tasks.await(cc.sendFile(c, Uri.fromFile(file)));
// completion is indicated by onOutputClosed
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.w(TAG, "copyFileToWearable exception " + e.getMessage());
// failure
call this from onChannelOpened in a WearableListenerService when c.getPath() starts with WEARABLE_FILE_COPY
private void receiveFileFromHandheld(final ChannelClient.Channel c, File myStorageLocation, Context ctx) {
// filename sent by the handheld is at the end of the path
String[] bits = c.getPath().split("\\/");
// store in a suitable spot
final String receivedFileName = myStorageLocation.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + bits[bits.length-1];
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final ChannelClient cc = Wearable.getChannelClient(ctx);
ChannelClient.ChannelCallback ccb = new ChannelClient.ChannelCallback() {
boolean mClosed = false;
public void onChannelClosed(@NonNull ChannelClient.Channel channel, int i, int i1) {
super.onChannelClosed(channel, i, i1);
Log.d(TAG, "receiveFileFromHandheld " + channel.getNodeId() + " onChannelClosed ");
if (!mClosed){
// failure ...
public void onInputClosed(@NonNull ChannelClient.Channel channel, int i, int i1) {
super.onInputClosed(channel, i, i1);
Log.d(TAG, "receiveFileFromHandheld " + channel.getNodeId() + " onInputClosed ");
long fs = new File(receivedFileName).length();
Log.d(TAG, "receiveFileFromHandheld got " + receivedFileName +
" size:" + fs / 1000000 + "Mb");
mClosed = true;
// success !
try {
Log.d(TAG, "receiveFileFromHandheld register callback");
Tasks.await(cc.registerChannelCallback(c, ccb));
Log.d(TAG, "receiveFileFromHandheld receiving file " + receivedFileName);
Tasks.await(cc.receiveFile(c, Uri.fromFile(new File(receivedFileName)), false));
// completion is indicated by onInputClosed
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.w(TAG, "receiveFileFromHandheld exception " + e.getMessage());
// failure ...
Take a look on this answer to know how to use the Channel API to create the channel between the devices.
After you create the googleClient and retrive the nodeId of the device you want to send the file to, basically you can use the following code on the wearable side:
Then, on the handheld device:
If you need more information about this, please visit the reference site from Google