I'm displaying my app within a dialog. The dialog doesn't cover the full screenwith (at least 320dip). Therefore, using AdMob is a bit of a problem, because all AdSizes I've seen take up at least 320dip width. So my question is: is there a possibility to still use AdMob, but with a ad less than 320dip wide (about 280dip or so).
Android: Using AdMob with less than 320dip width
331 views Asked by Xander At
There are 3 answers

Looks like no. You can have a look at the documentation https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/admob/smart-banners

Not really a solution, but may be a work around: This will force the adView to be smaller. It will chop off some pixels, but the overall result may be good enough.
final ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(m_width,//
Short answer No. Long answer is you are probably looking at this wrong.
But what do you mean "I'm display my app within a dialog"?
If you have applied a dialog style to your app or are even dispalying all of your UI within a dialog (weird) then you can always configure a dialog to have any width. So make it 320 dip.